
General Medicine: Open Access

ISSN - 2327-5146


New Approach for Hidden Reasons Behind Cervcal Disc Pathology during Late Decades

Abdullah Nasrat M, Randa Nasrat M and Mohammad Nasrat M

The study aimed to demonstrate some hidden reasons behind the rising challenge of cervical disc pathology during late decades.

Spine disorders such as disc prolapse or disc herniation is not an etiological diagnosis; it is a sequence of a causative pathology. Surgical treatment is therefore not definitive as concerns the degenerative etiologic pathology leading to these disorders; and hence it requires a high likelihood of success and acceptable invasive safety. Most theories about how the spine degenerates remain just theories. Spinal surgery is an invariably invasive maneuver in a critical area of the body which entails a degree of risk. Degenerative changes of the spine can be potentially reversible; spontaneous regression of disc prolapse has been reported in literature. Therefore; every possible chance should be given freely for any conservative measure that can improve patient’s symptoms, quality of life and work ability. Accumulation of fluids around the spine due to Helicobacter pylori-related colonic error could lead to muscle spasm, narrowing of vertebrae and even disc protrusion with radicular symptoms.

60 middle-aged patients with neck pain (NP) and frank H. pylori dyspepsia were included and scheduled into 3 groups; muscle spasm (MS), MS with narrowed vertebrae and disc protrusion group. Existence of colonic H. pylori strains was confirmed by H. pylori fecal antigen test. The potent senna purge was employed for eradication of colonic H. pylori strains, followed by cupping therapy 5 days later.

NP and MS improved completely in all patients without recurrence or residual symptoms in the first group. The second group showed relief of MS and vertebral narrowing in 90% of patients. The third group showed relief of pain in 80% of patients and regression of disc protrusion in 70% of them.

Combined colon-clear and cupping therapy is promising in cervical spine disc disorders and is worthy of further accurate re-determination and wider practical application particularly in recent conditions of illness.
