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Sports and Steroid

Author(s): Nagavendra Sinopi*

The phrase "anabolic steroids" refers to testosterone derivatives that are utilised for their anabolic qualities in either clinical settings or by athletes. For decade..View More»

Research Article

Do Core Self - Evaluation Impact Every Job - Outcomes? Test the Moderating Role of Organizational Socialization: Empirical Studies in the Newcomer's Context at a Government Organization

Author(s): Joseph M J Renwarin, Rukun Santoso

This study aims to specifically analyze the business environment in the construction service industry in Jakarta special region, by using an external and internal dimension fact..View More»

Research Article

Forecasting Rainfall in Tanzania Using Time Series Approach Case Study: Dar es Salaam

Author(s): PAPanga, S.M.Nyimvua, I.S.Mbalawata

The prediction of rainfall on monthly time scale has been attempted by a number of researchers by using different time series techniques at different time periods around the wor..View More»

Value Added Abstract

The Genetic Base for Drug Addiction

Author(s): Srwsh N. qadr

Objective: There are many evidences about relationship between eating behavior and drug addiction. A number of susceptibility loci that point to shared higher order genetic path..View More»