General Medicine: Open Access

ISSN - 2327-5146

Citations Report

General Medicine: Open Access : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in General Medicine: Open Access have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. General Medicine: Open Access has got h-index 14, which means every article in General Medicine: Open Access has got 14 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in General Medicine: Open Access.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 0

Year wise published articles

24 61 23 6 16 0

Year wise citations received

15 52 23 6 16 25
Journal total citations count 975
Journal impact factor 3.66
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.26
Journal cite score 5.01
Journal h-index 14
Journal h-index since 2018 12
Journal Impact Factor 2020 formula
IF= Citations(y)/{Publications(y-1)+ Publications(y-2)} Y= Year
Journal 5-year Impact Factor 2020 formula
Citations(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)/
{Published articles(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)}
Journal citescore
Citescorey = Citationsy + Citationsy-1 + Citationsy-2 + Citations y-3 / Published articlesy + Published articlesy-1 + Published articlesy-2 + Published articles y-3
Important Citations

Roever L, Resende ES (2015) Cardiac Fat and Lung Function. Transl Med 5:e130.


Kumar S, Minz M, Sinha SK, Vaiphei K, Sharma A, Singh S, et al.(2016) Esophageal tuberculosis with coexisting opportunistic infections in a renal allograft transplant recipient. Transplant Infectious Disease.

Nasrat AM, Nasrat SA, Nasrat RM, Nasrat MM. Misconception and Misbehaviour towards Helicobacter pylori is Leading to Major Spread of Illness. Gen Med (Los Angel) S. 2015;1:S1-002.

Nasrat AM, Nasrat SA, Nasrat M, Nasrat MM. Are Tonsils and Adenoids Secondary Reservoirs for Helicobacter pylori in Children? Why it Matters!!. General Medicine: Open Access. 2015 Oct 23.

Nasrat AM, Nasrat SA, Nasrat RM, Nasrat MM. Therapeutic Effect of Combined Colon Clear and Cupping Therapy on Idiopathic Skin Pathology. Gen Med (Los Angel). 2015;3(209):2.

Nasrat AM, Nasrat SA, Nasrat RM, Nasrat MM. General Medicine: Open Access.

Nasrat AM, Nasrat SA, Nasrat M, Nasrat MM (2015) Why Do Physicians Diagnose Gout in Young Adults with Perfect Kidney Function!!. General Medicine: Open Access 1-3.

Nasrat MA. How Should the World Manage the Challenge of Diabetes Mellitus. Gen Med Los Angel. 2016;4:223.

Nasrat AM, Nasrat SA, Nasrat RM, Nasrat MM. The challenge of childhood diabetes. General Med J. 2015;3:1000193.

Nasrat AM, Nasrat RM, Nasrat MM (2015) The Real Fact in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Gen Med (Los Angel).3:2.

Nasrat AM, Nasrat SM, Nasrat RM (2015) An influence of Helicobacter pylori in thrombocytopenia in children. Int J Recent Scientific Res 6:5052-5054.

Nasrat RM, Nasrat MM, Nasrat AM, Nasrat SA (2015) Improvement of Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy After Colon Clear. Cardiology Research 6:249-254.

Gockah-Adapoe E. Haemato-biochemical profile of diabetes mellitus patients in the Dunkwa Metropolis (Doctoral dissertation).

ColtucRV, Stoica V (2016) Metabolic Syndrome-Cardiovascular and Metabolic, Complex, Difficult to Quantify Risk Factor. Modern Medicine 23.

Akkiraju PC, Suryawanshi DD, Jawakekar AJ, Tambe HS, Mamillapalli S (2016) Phytochemical analysis and HPLC study of vitamin-C from Punica granatum L. Aarakta variety of India. Journal of Medicinal Plants.4:09-12.

Thieme K, Winfield J. Case Report: Effects of Systolic Extinction Therapy in a Patient with Seropositive Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Meller T, Stiehm F, Malinowski R, Thieme K (2016) Baroreflexsensitivität und chronischer Schmerz. Der Schmerz 30:470-476.

Bolarinwa OA, Ameen HA, Sanya EO, Kolo PM, Durowade KA, Uthman MM, Ogunmodede JA, Biliaminu SA, Odeigah LO, Akande TM. Pattern and predictive factors of health-related quality of life of patients with hypertension, diabetes and concomitant hypertension with diabetes in Ilorin, Nigeria. Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2016 Oct 1;23(4):182.

Méndez Álvarez N, Angulo Ortíz A, Contreras Martínez O. In vitro antibacterial activity of Curcuma longa (Zingiberaceae) against nosocomial bacteria in Montería, Colombia. Revista de biologia tropical. 2016 Sep;64(3):1201-8.
