
General Medicine: Open Access

ISSN - 2327-5146

Commentry - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 2

A Short Note on Buerger’s Disease


Author info »


Thromboangiitis Obliterans (TAO) is a segmental inflammatory illness, non-arteriosclerotic vascular disease that affects the small and medium arteries and veins of the upper and lower limbs. The main cause of this disease has been linked to cigarette smoking. Felix von Winiwarter, an Australian surgeon, was the first to describe TAO in 1879. Leo Buerger recounted the pathological results of the 11 severed limbs in depth and accuracy after those twenty-nine years. TAO affects males aged 25 to 35 and affects the artery, veins, and muscles of the arms and legs. TAO can cause unusual symptoms in the gastric, cerebral, pulmonary, and renal arteries.


Despite the fact that buerger's illness is found all over the world, it is more common in the Middle East and Far East than in Europe and the United States. The frequency of this condition in individuals with peripheral arterial disease ranges from 0.5 to 5.6 percent in Western Europe to 45 to 63 percent in India, 16 to 66 percent in Japan and Korea, and 80 percent in Israelis among Jewish of Ashkenazi origin. A rise in the prevalence of the condition in women has been observed in several studies, varying between 11% to 23%.

Signs and symptoms

Ischemia of the tiny vessels in the arms, legs, hands, and feet is the first sign. Large artery involvement is uncommon and occurs very rarely in the absence of occlusive illness of the vascular structures. Calf claudication and, subsequently, ischemia discomfort at rest and ischemic ulceration on the toes, foot, and fingers may develop as the condition advances. Numbness and/or tingling in the legs, skin ulcers, and digit gangrene are some of the other indications and symptoms of the condition. Around 40% of people with thromboangiitis obliterans develop superficial thromboangiitis and Raynaud's phenomena.


Thromboangiitis obliterans and Buerger's disease have no specific diagnostic tests. When the diagnosis of atherosclerosis is mixed up with thromboangiitis obliterans, however, a lot of inferences might be drawn. Although the literature regularly refers to Shionoya's requirements, Papa's rating scale, and Olin's criteria.

Clinical signs

•The temperature of the epidermis has dropped.

•Claudication that comes and goes.

•Pain in the soles and palms of the hands.

•Ulceration or gangrene that is painful.

Physical examination

Lower skin temperature in the upper or lower limbs or in the distal regions of the toes or fingers, reduced arterial pulse in the peripheral region of an artery, with proximal pulse retained.


•Distal arterial segmental occlusions in many segments.

•Secondary thrombosis causes chronic vascular blockage.

•Atherosclerotic lesions, such as calcification of vascular walls, are absent.


Buerger's disease has yet to be identified as a cause. TAO, on the other hand, is significantly connected to excessive tobacco use, and the prognostic of the condition is tightly tied to continuous usage. Adar discovered that patients with TAO had higher cellular sensitivity to kinds I and III collagen than patients with healthy men using an antigen-sensitive thymidine incorporation test. A greater prevalence of Human Leukocyte Antibody (HLA) A9, A54, and B5 have also been found in several investigations, indicating a hereditary component to the condition.


TAO's pathogenic aspects are divided into three phases based on the inflammatory cells: acute, sub-acute, and prolonged. Unlike other forms of vacuities, the afflicted vessel's structure, notably the internal elastic lamina, stays intact during all three stages of TAO.

The key feature of the acute phase is a hypercellular and offensive thrombus with little inflammation in the afflicted vessel's vascular wall. In this phase, the main cells at the site of inflammation are Polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes. PMNs in micro abscesses are encircled by a granulomatous inflammation in the subacute phase, which induces thrombus organisation and recanalization. Finally, in the end-stage phase, the developed thrombus with vascular fibrosis is shown.

Currently, there is no conventional treatment for Buerger's disease. Smoking cessation is the essential way to achieve positive treatment result, as is avoiding all tobacco-containing sources.

Author Info

1Department of Medicine, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Sweden

Published: 21-Feb-2022, DOI: 10.4172/2327-5146.22.10.001

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