Andrea Spoto
Andrea Spoto
Department of General Psychology
Padua University
Andrea Spoto get the Second Level Degree in Clinical Psychology on September 2006, with a dissertation entitled 'Formal Concept Analysis to Build a Knowledge Structure of the Obsessive-Compulsive Disease'.Degree in Psychology of Personality and Interpersonal Relations, dissertation entitled 'Knowledge Spaces Theory in the Measurement Scales Representation'ÃÂ. Since 2002 he is collaborating in Cristante and Vidotto's Quantitative and Data Analysis Laboratory and carrying out the following research projects: Knowledge Spaces Theory in Measurement Theory Representation 'On the Road'ÃÂ project usingthe CBA-G (Cognitive Behavioural Assessment-Youth) assessment tool to evaluate and improve driving behaviour in young people, granted by Region Veneto.
Clinical Psychology,Health Psychology, Psychometrics, Eating Disorder, CBT, DEvelopment Psychopathology, DSM