Anis Ahmad
2701 17th St. Rock Island, IL 61201
A Cure for Coronary Artery Disease
Author(s): Anis AhmadAnis Ahmad
To cure coronary artery disease, complete removal of atheroma from coronary arteries is necessary and may be achieved using pharmacological intervention. This hypothesis requires verification by a trial. The conditions that lead to the formation of atheroma are as follows: Insulin resistance and vascular endothelial dysfunction, Atherogenic dyslipidemia, Risk factors for coronary artery disease, Inflammation of coronary arteries, Drugs that increase insulin resistance. Atheroma formation begins with the formation of fatty streaks on the endothelium, which progress into stable or unstable atheromatous plaques. The unstable plaque has a thin fibrous cap that is prone to rupture. Unstable plaques contain a large lipid pool consisting of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), apoB and cholesterol that can grow; they are also have heavy inflammatory cell infiltration, including monocytes,.. View More»