Bella Sergio
Research Article
Consideration on the Accuracy of Watch for Physical Activity Tracker
Author(s): Tagliente Irene, Trieste Leopoldo, Petrassi Valerio, De Balsi Vincenzo Mario and Bella SergioTagliente Irene, Trieste Leopoldo, Petrassi Valerio, De Balsi Vincenzo Mario and Bella Sergio
Background: Obesity is one of the biggest drivers of preventable chronic diseases and healthcare costs in Worldwide. The most difficult aspect to take under consideration on the developing algorithms able to value the single session of kcal consumption in a single session of training are the hormonal factors.
Objective: In this study we done a preliminary study on the comparison of two different watch (that provide an estimate of kilocalories consumed with and without heart rate monitor) with an indirect calorimetry device. The aim of this study was to understand if the watch could be considered for health use and the variable that can influence the valuation accuracy of the kcal consumption during a training session on gym. Methods: In this preliminary study we analyzed the indicators that influence the daily energy expenditure and possible de.. View More»