Michelle Meade
Research Article
A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating a Community-Based Diabetes Optimization Program for Patients Awaiting Elective Cardiac Surgery
Author(s): Rohan M Sanjanwala, Christopher W White, Brett Hiebert, David Kent, Colleen Metge, Michelle Meade, Sora M Ludwig and Rakesh C AroraRohan M Sanjanwala, Christopher W White, Brett Hiebert, David Kent, Colleen Metge, Michelle Meade, Sora M Ludwig and Rakesh C Arora
Background: The diabetes prevalence varies from 7%-20% among Cardiovascular Surgery (CS) patients. The patients with suboptimal glycaemic control are at a higher risk of postoperative morbidity and mortality.
Objective: To explore feasibility and effectiveness of preoperative Diabetes Optimization Program (DOP).
Design: Unblinded parallel group randomized controlled trial. Methods: Between 2013 to 2015, consecutive, consenting elective CS patients with HbA1C>7% were randomized to Standard of Care (SOC) group or to the DOP group. The DOP is a community-based diabetes education and optimization program. The SOC includes diabetes care from their Primary Care Physician (PCP).
Outcome: The primary outcome was DOP feasibility. Secondarily, rate of change in HbA1C between .. View More»