Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism

ISSN - 2155-6156

Pierre Amarenco

Pierre Amarenco

Professor and Chairman


Pierre Amarenco is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurology and Stroke Centre at Bichat University Hospital, Denis Diderot University and Medical School, Paris, France. He is also Co-chair of the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) Unit 698 “clinical research in atherothrombosis”.

Professor Amarenco’s main research interest is in the understanding and prevention of stroke. He is currently Principal Investigator of the GÉNIC study; the Multiple Atherosclerotic Sites in Stroke Study (MASS); the Aortic arch Related Cerebral Hazard (ARCH) trial; the Lacunar Bain Infarction, Cerebral Hypereactivity, and Atorvastatin Trial (Lacunar-B.I.C.H.A.T.); The SOS-TIA study; The TRUST-TPA trial; the AMISTAD study. He is also involved in several on-going epidemiological studies on carotid intima-media thickness. Professor Amarenco currently serves on the steering committee of the Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction of Cholesterol Levels (SPARCL) study, on the executive committee of the PERFORM trial, and chairs the OPTIC registry, the, and the Treat Stroke to Target (TST) trial.

Professor Amarenco is the funding editor-in-chief for La Lettre du Neurologue and of and serves on the editorial boards of many other internationally renowned
journals, such as Stroke. Professor Amarenco has presented nearly 350 lectures at meetings and universities worldwide and has published more than 230 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and 125 reviews and book chapters.

Research Interest

Diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic kidney disease, glycaemia, blood pressure and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol

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