Dermatology Case Reports

ISSN - 2684-124X

Chamurlieva M N

V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology, Moscow, Russia


  • Value Added Abstract   
    The prevalence of nail involvement in patients with severe plaque psoriasis and its associated with psoriatic arthritis
    Author(s): Chamurlieva M N* and Korotaeva T V

    Background: Nail psoriasis is a risk factors of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and might negatively impacts on quality of life. The therapy of nail psoriasis remains a difficult problem in a real dermatological practice. Objective: to study the prevalence of nail involvement in patients with severe plaque psoriasis and its associated with PsA. Methods: 99 unselected patients (male-23/female-76) with severe plaque psoriasis, mean age 45.82±14.04 years, BSA 56.35±9.11%, PASI 22.50±5.13 were included. PsA was diagnosed by the CASPAR criteria (ClASsification criteria for Psoriatic Arthritis). Nail Psoriasis Severity Index (NAPSI, 0-32) was performed. The number of patients with NAPSI=0/NAPSI>0 and PsA were calculated. All patients were treated with different synthetic DMARDs, mostly Methotrexate subcut.. View More»

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