Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism

ISSN - 2155-6156

Derek C Beatty

BSc Biological Science, Business Studies, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom


  • Extended Abstract   
    Forensic Aspects of Hypoglycaemia
    Author(s): Derek C Beatty*

    Diabetes complications of hypoglycaemia, hypoglycaemia unawareness and neuroglycopenia are often encountered by patients treated with insulin. It is feared by patients and families often leading to emotional and mental scars and can affect lifestyle and confidence. Hypoglycaemia can occur in premature babies, persons with hypopituitarism and Addison’s Disease. Low blood glucose can affect athletes and the elderly leading to falls. Cases are individual and often difficult for families, clinicians, lawyers and courts to understand. Temporary mental impairment and PTSD injury may occur requiring counselling to overcome hypoglycaemia. 42 years T1D insulin treatment and personal hypoglycaemia experience following wrong insulin care 1987-94 led the author to research published reports. The first hypoglycaemic event was described by Banting, Best and Macleod at the time of insu.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2155-6156.20.11.e103

    Abstract HTML PDF
