Frank Scott Hall
Molecular Neurobiology Branch, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research Program
333 Cassell Drive, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA
He is a Staff Scientist at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. After undergraduate work at Harvard University (1987), where he worked with Profs. Ann Kelley and James Stellar, he received a Ph.D. (1994) from Cambridge University, where he worked with Professor Trevor W. Robbins, F.R.S. As a postdoctoral fellow Dr. Hall was a National Research Council Research Associate at the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, where he worked with the Scientific Director, Dr. Markku Linnoila. Dr. Hall joined the Molecular Neurobiology Branch at the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 1999. Since 2001 Dr. Hall has lead the transgenic mouse group, investigating the molecular basis of addiction and related psychiatric phenotypes. Since 1995 Dr. Hall has also lectured in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland, where he is now an Adjunct Associate Professor.
The genetic basis of addiction and related psychiatric phenotypes; schizophrenia; attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder; gene-environment interactions; neurodevelopmental models of psychiatric disorders; social isolation; genetic mouse models.