Journal of Steroids & Hormonal Science

ISSN - 2157-7536

Jacques Bernier

Jacques Bernier
Associate Professor, INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier


Dr. Jacques Bernier received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in biology from the University du Quebec a Montreal. He then obtained Ph.D. degree in cellular biology from the faculty of medicine of the University de Sherbrooke. Following postdoctoral studies at the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal in molecular immunology, he joined the research center of Hôtel-Dieu de Montreal as independent researcher, working on the effect of burn injury on the immune response. In 1997 Dr. Bernier became professor at INRS-Armand Frappier Institute while keeping an affiliation as an associate researcher with the Burn Research Center at the Hôtel-Dieu de Montreal.

Research Interest

His background is on the immunomodulation induced either by a pathogen, a physical stress or a xenobiotic. He is working on the role of endocrine disruptors on the immune function.
