Surgery: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-1076

Kahraman Ulker

Kahraman Ulker
lstanbul University, Cerrahpasa School of Medicine


Kahraman Ülker had MD degree from lstanbul University Cerrahpasa School of Medicine in 1994. He received MD degree in obstetrics and Gynecology in 2000 and in 2009 he began to work in Kafkas University School of Medicine, Kars with a degree of assistant professor. He has published more than 35 papers in national and internationaljoumals. He serves as a reviewer and editorial board member in Kafkas Journal of Medical Åžciences, Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction and World Joumal of Minimal Access Surgery. He is the associate editor of Kafkas Joumal of Medical Sciences.

Research Interest

Kahraman Ülker research interest include  gasless, single incision laparoscopic surgery.
