Surgery: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-1076

Dermatopathology in the diagnosis of skin diseases linked to public places (markets, churches, and mosques) in the tropics

Joint Event on International Conference on Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery & International Conference & Expo on Dermatopathology & Skin Care

August 31-September 01, 2018 | Toronto, Canada

Nwoba Victor Ronald

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science, Nigeria

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Surgery Curr Res

Abstract :

Background: In the tropics, skin disease easily spread since there are more tendencies to communal lives in the developing tropical countries. This constitutes a serious challenge to their health systems. Dermatoses are predominantly seen. Diagnostics: Dermatopathology plays a significant role in diagnosing these skin diseases such as fungal infection, leprosy, leishmaniasis etc. Dermatopathology in its analysis presents a differential diagnosis of infectious and noninfectious inflammatory disease of the skin. Conclusion: It is always difficult to perform dermatopathological analysis of people in the public places (mosques, churches, and market) for religious reasons since people who are at these places could be noncompliant. Therefore, there should be a better awareness campaign to enlighten the public, development of standard laboratories and training of more dermatopathologist to face these challenges.

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