Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism

ISSN - 2155-6156

Link between diabetes mellitus and gender-related glutathione peroxidase at elderly patients

3rd World Congress on Diabetes & Metabolism

September 24-26, 2012 Marriott Convention Center, Hyderabad, India

Simona Opris, Gianina Constantin and Anton Valuch

AcceptedAbstracts: J Diabetes Metab

Abstract :

Oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus is greatly increased due to prolonged exposure to hyperglicemia and impairment of oxidant/antioxidant equilibrium. The aim of this study is to evaluated gender-differences in antioxidant system protection ? glutathione peroxidase (GPX) at diabetes mellitus patients and if estrogens could be a protective factor for diabetes development. Patients were distributed in 2 groups: group I-men with diabetes and group II-women with diabetes versus control groups, apparently healthy, without significant injury. Serum glucose concentration was determined enzymatic at 500 nm, erythrocyte GPX activity with Paglia and Valentine method and haemoglobin by Drabkin method. Our data showed at group I a decrease of GPX vs. control (43?11.31 vs. 67.33?20.74 U/gHb; p<0.05). At women group we found too low GPX activity vs. control (51?16.02 vs. 72.84?18.05 U/gHb; p<0.03). Linear regression equations showed a positive correlations between age and GPX activity at both I and II group (p<0.001 respectively p<0.05). All these revealed for both, men and female with diabetes a low GPX activity, more emphasized in men. GPX has an important role in the modulation of osteoclastic differentiation and estrogens induced GPX expression in osteoclasts. This findings support the theory that estrogens increases GPX activity. Thus, men who are not protected by estrogens, have a more pronounce GPX reduction which may accelerate oxidative damage and further pathological complications. Understanding estrogens mode of action could be useful in patient?s management and treatment.
