Journal of Steroids & Hormonal Science

ISSN - 2157-7536

Screening obese women with pre-diabetes from classes of serum 25- hydroxyl vitamin D and serum parathormone levels among African migrants living in Paris

Global Summit on Steroids

July 13-15, 2015 Baltimore, USA

Ernest Emilion1 and Richard Emilion2

1Community Clinic, France 2Orleans University, France

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Steroids Hormon Sci

Abstract :

Background: It has been postulated that vitamin D may affect glucose homeostasis. We hypothysed that taking in account Fast Plasma Glucose concentrations in estimation of a serum 25- hydroxyl vitamin D threshold below which PTH concentrations increases could be useful to identified part of our sample usually called outliers. Methods: Measurements of serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D and serum parathormone were done, between February and June 2008, among 165 adult African migrants women living in Paris. All were calcium-sufficient. We used ROC analysis to identify serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D/parathormone threshold. Analysis of variance was done with Wilcoxon test. We used machine learning model. Results: A threshold of serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D - of 65 nmol/L and serum parathormone of 44 ng/L level was found with a sensitivity of 86%, a specificity of 83% and a TPV of 98%. We identified 34% of the sample as a particular class of obese and pre-diabetic women with high levels of serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D and serum parathormone. Estimation with Capillary Glucose measurement instead of Fast Plasma Glucose could be a less costly method to screen glucose and vitamin D status among African migrant women. Estimating vitamin status and glucose status in others samples of population might be of interest.

Biography :

Ernest Emilion is graduated in prevention in aging medicine. He obtained medical doctor’s degree of Pierre et Marie Curie University Paris 6 in 1997 and aging medicine degree of Bobigny University Paris 13 in 2005. He worked in community clinic on health prevention programs in Paris. As an independent researcher, he created a private office of development of learning-machine model and decision-making algorithm in the field of chronic diseases. His research interests include application of statistics methods in mainstream medicine, estimation of biological norms, vitamins metabolism and nutrition.

