Surgery: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-1076

Surgical staging and histopathological findings in endometrial cancer type II patients

International Conference and Exhibition on Surgery, Anesthesia & Trichology

November 26-28, 2012 Hilton San Antonio Airport, USA

Y.Kornovski and E. Ismail

Posters: Surgery Curr Res

Abstract :

Objective: To establish the extrauterine tumor dissemination- lymph node metastases (LNM) , positive peritoneal cytology (PPC) in endometrial cancer type II (EC II) patients and the predictive factors of such dissemination-histologic type (clear cell, adenosquamous, papillary serous carcinoma) and depth of myometrial invasion. Material and Methods: Since 2006 until 06. 2012, 29 patients with EC II were operated on in Gynecological clinic in MHAT., St. Anna?AD Varna. According to the histology 10 women were clear cell carcinoma (CCC)-34, 48%, 11-papillary serous carcinoma (PSC) -37,93% and 8-adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC)-27,59%. Nine patients were staged as III and IV stage- 9 /29 (31%). Twelve women had myometrial invasion in the inner halve of myometrium (41,38%) and 17 - in the outer halve (58,62%). Three patients had no LND (1 -with endometrial invasion up to ? and 2-with more than ? of myometrium) and 26 were evaluable for lymph node metastases (LNM). Results: The incidence rate of LNM and PPC were 26,9% and 27,6%, respectively. LNM in patients with PSC, ASC and CCC were 18.2%, 12.5% and 40%, respectively, p< 0.005. In cases with myometrial invasion less than ? LNM and PPC were established in 18.2% and 16.7%, respectively. When myometrial invasion was more than ? LNM and PPC were found in 33.3% and 35.3%, respectively (p<0.0005) Conclusion : EC II reveals aggressive biology- 31% of patients were staged as III-IV stage. Extrauterine dissemination affects approximately 1/3 of patients. The depth of myometrial invasion inreases significantly the incidence rate of LNM and PPC. CCC is associated with significantly higher incidence rate of LNM. Key words: endometrial cancer type II, lymph node metastases, positive peritoneal cytology

Biography :

Y.Kornovski has completed his MD and PhD degree at the Medical University of Bulgaria. He has two specializations as a obstetrics and gynecology specialist and as a gyneoncologist. He is a head of Gynecological clinic in MHAT?St.Anna-Varna?Bulagria from 2007. He is working as aassoc prof in the department of OBGY in Medical University of Varna. Assoc.Prof Dr. Y. Kornovski currently completing his major dissertation ?Surgical treatment of invasive cervical cancer-contemporary aspects?. He is a member of ESGO (Europen Society of Gynecological oncology), BAMIGS (Bulgarian Association of Miniinvasive Gynecological Surgery) and BSOG (Bulgarian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology).
