Shimelesc A
Research Article
Observed and Future Climate Variability and Extremes Over East ShoaZone, Ethiopia
Author(s): Mequaninta F, Mitikub R and Shimelesc AMequaninta F, Mitikub R and Shimelesc A
This study has been conducted with the aim to analyze variability and extremes of daily values of maximum and minimum temperatures, and precipitation. The future data are downscaled using delta method based on outputs from four global climate models (GCMs). The data are simulated for three future 30 year periods, centered at 2030?s (2010-2039) and 2050?s (2040-2069) and for the two scenarios (A2 and B1). Analysis of the 27 core set of extreme weather indices, which are defined by ETCCDI, is carried out on six selected sites and all the results were reported in detail. In addition comparisons in variability has made between models and values of these indices observed in the base climate period (1981-2010) and values of projected periods.
Among precipitation indicators, significant increasing trends in annual total wet-day precipitation, number of heavy and very heavy precipitation days.. View More»