Reconstructive Surgery & Anaplastology

ISSN - 2161-1173

The results of cranioplastics in patients with post-traumatic bony defects of cranial fornix, accompanied by episyndrome

International Conference on Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery

August 08-10, 2016 Toronto, Canada

Yuldashev Sh, Bahromov A A and Shakirov B M

Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Anaplastology

Abstract :

Introduction: According to literature data the cranial defects make from 24, 5-44, 2% of late complications due to craniocerebral trauma. The aim of the research to study the results of treatment of patients with post traumatic defects of the bones of the cranial fornix associated with epileptic seizures.

Material & Methods: 33 patients with post traumatic bony defects of cranial fornix have been under our observation. They were aged 12-58 years. All patients had undergone resection for craniotomy before (2-8 month) due to traumatic cerebral compression. MSCT examination made before the operation revealed asymmetry in 25 patients and convexital arachnoidal cysts. The defects of cranial bones were located: in 12 cases in the left temporal - parietal bones, in 7 cases in the right temporal - parietal, in 9 frontal - temporal and in 5 in temporal – occipital part of the skull. In 14 patients with small defects of cranial bones auto steal tissue was applied by means of fanlike fixing titanic device. The rest 23 patients underwent cranio- plasty by means of protacril. During the operation skin – meningeal - cerebral scars were excised in all patients and the edged of bony defect were freshened. In 3 cases we had to excise the membrane of arachnoidal cyst and to perform plastics of the defect of duramater encephali using a wide femoral fascia.

Results: In the postoperative period practically in all patients headaches decreased, sleep became better as well as attention and memory. In all patients who underwent autocranioplasty with employment of the fan like titanic device, postoperative wounds healed without complications.

Conclusions: Cranioplasty of defects of the cranial fornix bones considerably improves neurological symptomatic, prevents cosmetic defect of the cranial fornix.

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