Natural Products Chemistry & Research

ISSN - 2329-6836


An alkaloid is a kind of plant-derived organic compound. Alkaloids are usually made of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen. Some alkaloids are deliberated toxic, but others are often used therapeutically. Some of numerous organic compounds that are generally simple and contain at least one nitrogen atom in a heterocyclic ring, existing primarily in flowering plants. Several alkaloids, such as nicotine, quinine, cocaine, and morphine, are recognized for their toxic or medicinal qualities. Alkaloid journals containing plants found an extremely different group both taxonomically and chemically, basic nitrogen being the only combining factor for the numerous classes. For this reason, problems of the biological role of alkaloids in the plant, their significance in taxonomy, and biogenesis are often most satisfactorily deliberated at the level of a precise class of alkaloid. A similar condition affects with the therapeutic and pharmacological actions of alkaloids. As most alkaloids are particularly toxic, plants comprising them do not feature intensely in herbal treatment but they have always been important in the allopathic system where dosage is strictly controlled and in homoeopathy where the dose-rate is so low as to be harmless.

Related Journals of Alkaloids
Alkaloids: Chemistry and Biology Journal, natural Products, Organic Chemistry, chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry & Research, Biochemistry & Pharmacology.
