Natural Products Chemistry & Research

ISSN - 2329-6836

Comparative study of hepatoprotective properties of artesunate and A. annua flavonoids on rat hepatocytes

4th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry & Natural Products

August 29-31, 2016 Sao Paulo, Brazil

Rosine D K Chougouo, Marie Ange P Djeungoue, Jonas Kouamouo, Lysette Kouemeni, Pascal D Chuisseu, Pierre Lutgen, Jean M Tekam, Pierre Tane and Paul F Moundipa

University of the Mountains, Cameroon
Iwerliewen Fir Bedreete Volleker (IFBV), Luxembourg
University of Dschang, Cameroon
University of Yaounde, Cameroon

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Nat Prod Chem Res

Abstract :

Artesunate is a semi-synthetic derivative of artemisinin, the active compound of the Chinese herb Artemisia annua. It is a drug commonly used to treat malaria, especially chloroquine resistant malaria. Past works on A annua show many hepatoprotectives effects of the plant. Further to these works, the present study was aimed at investigating the fractions in charge of A annua�??s antihépatotoxics activities and, searching the activities of artesunate on rat�??s hepatocytes. The antioxidants activities of flavonoïds extract and artesunate was assessed by antiradical and reduction experiments. Free radical scavenging activity was determined by measuring the decrease in the visible absorbance of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and artesunate showed an EC50 >100 μg/ml. This result was lower than the flavonoïds one (EC50 = 8, 23 ± 0, 56 μg/ml). Likewise, reduction test showed a poor activity of artesunate. Hepatoprotectives activities were analyzed on two hepatitis models induced. Hepatocyte�??s viability according to the extract�??s concentrations was studied by the MTT (3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) test , the estimation of ALT activities and the MDA level. There was no significant difference between poisoned cells (by CCL4 and Paracetamol) and cells treated by artesunate contrary to aqueous extracts and flavonoïds extract which showed a significant difference (p<0,001). The outcome suggests that Artesunate toxicity may possibly cause damages to the hepatocytes and liver function; effect contrary to that of A annua, who keeps cells alive. A. annua has Hepatoprotective effect.

Biography :

Chougouo Kengne R.D has completed her PhD; She is a Pharmacist Officer and Researcher (CER) at the University Mountain Cameroon. She has published more than 20 papers in reputed journals.

