Avijit Dey1, Antony Gomes2 and Subir Chandra Dasgupta1
1Maulana Azad College, India 2University of Calcutta, India
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Nat Prod Chem Res
Tea (Camellia sinensis) is the most popular beverages in the world and is rank second after the pure water. Tea has been considered as a health promoting beverage since ancient times due to its immune-modulatory, anti-arthritic, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer and cardio-protective activity. Beside the beneficial effect few studies on animal models suggests that the maternal intake of black tea has an adverse effect during pregnancy. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the role of Black Tea Extract (BTE) in experimental pregnant albino rat and to study the different physiological parameters of mother and pups during prenatal and postnatal developmental period. BTE was orally administered in LD (50 mg BTE/kg/day) and HD (100 mg BTE/kg/day) except control group of rats (n=6/group) throughout the prenatal and postnatal periods. During prenatal period (0, 7th, 14th, 20th days) body weight, urinary calcium, magnesium, urea and creatinine was measured. In postnatal period (0, 7th, 14th, 20th days) physical parameters of pups like body weight, weight of liver, kidneys, heart and lungs, cranial length, cranial diameter, neck width, tail length, cranio-sacral length of pups were analyzed. There was a significant (p=0.05) change in the weight of kidney, liver, lungs, heart and physical parameters in pups of treated groups as compared to control. The body weight of LD and HD mothers were also significantly (p=0.05) less than control mothers at 20th day of pregnancy. This study clearly indicates that BTE has some effect on pregnant mother in experimental animal model.
Avijit Dey is currently pursuing PhD from Maulana Azad College, Kolkata, India
Email: avijitdeycs@gmail.com