Tabrej Mujawar, P H Patil and Mohammed Rageeb
R C Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, India Smt. SS Patil College of Pharmacy, India
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Nat Prod Chem Res
Background: Chronic complications are the major outcome of type 2 diabetes mellitus progress, which reduce the quality of life of patients, invite heavy burdens to the health care system and increase diabetic mortality. The aims of this study were to describe the prevalence of chronic complications among in Dhule type-2 diabetic out patients and to examine the links between chronic complications and patientsā?? demographics, diabetic related clinical characteristics. This open-label hospital based survey in Dhule study was carried out in Dhule City in Maharashtra at SBHGM College (Civil Hospital).The survey was conducted from July 2012 to December 2014 with 600 type 2 diabetic outpatients. The subjects were interviewed face-to-face by using a questionnaire to obtain information on demographics, disease presentations and complications. Results: Of the 600 study subjects, 341 (56.83%) were males and females 259 (43.16%). The mean age was 62.2Ā±10.3 years. At least one chronic complication was diagnosed in 336 individuals (56.0%) of the study subjects; 156 (26.0%) presented with macrovascular complications and 108 (18%) with microvascular complications. The prevalence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular conditions, neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy and foot disease were 28.1%, 6.7%, 16.8%, 9.7%, 12.8% and 0.8%, respectively. The prevalence of chronic complications varied between cities, and significantly increased with age and duration of diagnosed diabetes. The mean of HbA1c in diabetic patients with chronic complications was 8.1%Ā±1.6% and 63.0% of the subjects with type 2 diabetes related complications had a poor glycemic control with the HbA1c>7.5%. Conclusions: Chronic complications are very prevalent among type 2 diabetic outpatients, the glycemic control of diabetic patients with chronic complications was poor and future attentions should be directed at intensive blood glucose control, increases early diagnosis and improving case management to prevent and minimize the occurrence of complications.
Tabrej Mujawar has completed his MPharm in Clinical Pharmacology in 2009 and he is currently pursuing PhD from North Maharashtra University, Maharashtra. He has published 5 papers in international journal.