Suresh V Chennupati
Mother Teresa Pharmacy College, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Nat Prod Chem Res
Ayurveda is an Indian traditional system of medicine. It was originated in ancient India many thousand years ago. The origin, development and practice of Ayurveda have many dimensions and complex theories based on religion, faith and ancient Vedic science. Ayurveda is one of the official systems of medicine in India and it is also widely practiced in many other countries. Considerable research on Pharmacognosy, Photochemistry, Pharmacology and Clinical therapeutics has been carried out on Ayurvedic medicinal plants. Many pharmaceutical companies changed their strategies towards natural product drug discovery and it is important to follow systems biological applications to facilitate the process. Number of drugs are entered the International Pharmacopoeia through the study of ethno pharmacology and traditional medicine. For Ayurveda and other traditional medicines, newer guidelines of standardization, manufacture and quality control are required. Drug discovery strategies based on natural products and traditional medicines are the attractive options. Drug discovery and development need not always be restricted to new molecular entities. Traditional knowledge give an idea for drug development can fallow reverse pharmacology approach and reduce the time and cost of process are expected to takes place mainly from innovation in drug target elucidation and lead structure discovery. Powerful new technologies such as automated separation techniques, high- throughput screening and combinational chemistry are revolutionizing drug discovery. Traditional knowledge can offer smart strategy for new drug candidates to facilitate discovery process and also for the development of rational synergistic botanical formulations.
Suresh V Chennupati has completed his PhD from Acharya Nagarjuna University. He is the Principal of Mother Teresa Pharmacy College, one of the premier colleges in Khammam district. He has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute. He has received Bharat Siksha Ratan, International Award for Educational Excellence, APP Young Performer Awards. He is the co-author of Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry book published by Pharma MedPress. He is also an Executive Editor for an online journal (Journal of Applicable Chemistry) and the Andhra Pradesh State Branch President for Association of Pharmacy Professionals.