Journal of Kidney

ISSN - 2472-1220

Effect of double filtration plasmapheresis on plasma components in varied renal diseases

Joint Event on 3rd Annual Kidney Congress & 16th International Conference on Nephrology & Therapeutics

October 19-20, 2018 | New York, USA

Jagdish Kanagaraj

Meenakshi Hospital, India

: J Kidney

Abstract :

Plasmapheresis is a life-saving procedure that either is a treatment modality or a stop-gap procedure to buy time till immunosuppression acts. Unfortunately it removes necessary vital plasma components including immunoglobulins, albumin and coagulation factors. Various selective plasmapheresis options exist. One such is double filtration plasmapheresis which can selectively remove certain component of immunoglobulins. In our experience, with a small prospective observational cohort study, cumulative immunoglobulin removal in various renal indications was as follows-IgG is 72% which is suboptimal, whereas IgA and IgM cumulative removal were 89% and 96% respectively. We also observed effluent fluid albumin concentration will be more physiological way of replacement and serum fibrinogen values less than 50mg/dl resulted in spontaneous bleeding.

Biography :

Jagdish Kanagaraj has completed him under graduation (MBBS) from Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences (in 2009). He has received medal of honor in Internal Medicine. He pursued his masters in internal medicine in Government Stanley Medical College in Chennai and completed his course in 2013 with medal of honor in internal medicine. His special area of interest includes glomerulonephritis, transplantation in all sensitized individuals and post-transplant infections. He completed his masters in Nephrology in 2017 in Christian medical college, Vellore and was awarded with JCM Shastry award for the year 2017. He has two publications and he is a reviewer in Indian journal of nephrology and international journal of nephrology and Endourology. He is currently working as consultant nephrologist and transplant physician in Meenakshi hospital in Tanjore, Tamil Nadu, India.


